Tag Archives: meditation

The Power of Binaural Beats and Holosync Can Change Your Life

What if you could have a technology that allows you to meditate like a Zen Buddhist monk? Imagine all the benefits you could get from being able to enter a very deep meditative state without any effort. Can you think of anything you would like to program into your mind during this state? I bet you can. I am about to introduce you to a relatively new technology that uses Binaural Beats. This technology is cutting-edge and can bring you all the benefits that would otherwise take […]

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How to Get the Most Out of Brainwave Meditation

Training yourself to make brainwave meditation work for you takes a bit of patience. But the rewards can be tremendous and well worth the effort. That is because of all the various meditation techniques, brainwave meditation combines traditional meditation disciplines with the science of monitoring and controlling the flow of your brainwaves for the good of your health and well-being. That is one of the reasons that brainwave meditation adds another layer of value to the time you put into your meditation efforts. It takes what is […]

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Meditation Secrets

Are there really any meditation secrets? Well, the answer is yes and no. One of the dictionary definitions of the word secret is “unknown to others”. So if someone knows something about meditation and you don’t know that same thing, then as far as you are concerned, it’s a meditation secret. Of course, once you discover the secret, it’s no longer a secret to you. But it could still be a secret to others. So really we’re talking about meditation secrets in the loosest possible sense of […]

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Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are unique sounds recorded in such a way that they re-adjust the brain wave frequencies of the listener automatically. Through a technological technique that has been named brain entrainment, binaural beats can change the mental and physical state of anyone who listens. Analysis has shown that some brainwaves, like intense relaxation, are ideal for learning and retaining new information while delta brainwave states promote relaxed healthy sleep. Until the adaptation of binaural beats tapes, CDs and MP3s, the only technique to create deliberate changes in […]

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Brainwave Meditation: The New Way of Meditating

Meditation has been practiced since ancient times, but today, in the busy and dynamic, even agitated modern world, meditation or taking time for ourselves is almost a must. And since more and more people are interested to benefit from the positive effects of relaxation and meditation, scientists and specialists have become more interested in studying all the aspects of meditation, how it works and how it can have maximum efficiency. And one of the most recent results of these researches is the brainwave meditation. How Can You […]

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